Pachagazine: What’s your brand and real name?

Vincent: Real name…Vincent Apeko Nyarko

Brand name…Vincent Nyarko

Pachagazine: Tell us about Vincent Nyarko?

Vincent: Vincent Apeko Nyarko Populary know as Vincent Nyarko / Evangelist Vincent Nyarko is a Ghanaian from the Central and Western Regions of Ghana and second born of my parents mr/Mrs Nyarko.

I started singing from infant, but in 1998 I join one of the best musical band in Ghana called Western Diamond Band as a vocalist, from there I move to join another band Classic Zuks Band also as a lead vocalist.

I join my third Band a Catholic Church Band also as lead vocalist then finally join the New Survival Band.

In all this years I was doing a studio recording at the same time,

In 2010 I started writing my Gospel album and release it in 2013 which was the best popular song in the Western and Central Regions. The album was called MASEM which Means “My Story”.

Then in 2015 I came out again with my second album which was titled MASHYIRA WO Means I WILL BLESS YOU, which was also very popular in my Region.

In 2017 my third album came which was titled YEPAPA means DO GOOD, which got a lots of nominations in the maiden Edition of Western Music Award, after that many singles were released.

In 2019 my 4th Album came out which I titled HOLY 

Then in 2021 I have released two singles Kyere Me Kwan, which is doing very well and then MAMA for all mother’s in this years Mother’s Day Celebrations.

Pachagazine: What inspired you to do gospel music?

Vincent: I would say I was born to do this, because from childhood my parents and families around tell me I used to sing a lots and when crying the only thing that will make me stop crying is singing Gospel Music to me.

Pachagazine: What else do you do apart from music?

Vincent: I am an Electrical engineer and also a Broadcast Journalist working at Newday Tv and Kyzz 89.7fm in Takoradi Western Region.

Pachagazine: What are some of the challenges you faced coming up as a solo artist?

Vincent: The major problem is Promotion, how to get money to promote my music.

Pachagazine: what’s your worst memory at work? what happened?

Vincent: I was taken to a place to meet one man of God,

Who told me he will do some juju for me that will make me very big and famous in the whole Africa, and he told me some of the things he will do for me, I was very shocked and had to run away from the scene.

Pachagazine: What’s your favorite and least favorite performance venue?

Vincent: My favorite venue was a time I performed at Sunyani and the spirit of the Lord dominated and many people were touched by my performance.

My least favorite was when I went for a program in Accra where many musicians where on the list to perform and I had prepared to perform my songs to, but instead of performing my songs, I was called to sing praises for the offerings I didn’t sing my own songs. I felt bad.

Pachagazine: Do you have a team or you work alone? Are you signed on any musical label?

Vincent: No. I work alone, am not in any record label for now but looking for one now.

Pachagazine: What’s your favorite release?

Vincent: My favorite is on the 4th album, a song called ABROSO

Pachagazine: What would you tell someone who wants to follow your footsteps?

Vincent: To prepare to serve, be humble, pray at all times,

Respect and show kindness to all humanity.

Pachagazine: Do you have any collaborations? Who would you most likely want to collaborate with?

Vincent: Yes I have done a lot of collaboration than any other artists in the Western and Central Regions in the Gospel industry, which are all Ghanaians.

Now I would love to have a collaboration with international artist in Africa and beyond, so I can preach through my Music to the rest of the world.

Pachagazine: What are some of your achievements of your time as a gospel artist?

Vincent: I have got many nominations and won many Awards

In 2018 I won the best Gospel Artist of the year in

Western Showbiz Industry Awards.

In 2019 I won the Gospel Artist of the year in the Western Music Award.

In 2020 I won the Gospel Artist of the year in the Wassaman Business and Entertainment Awards.

Pachagazine: How can people find you or your work in digital platforms?

Vincent: On all Digital stores Vincent Nyarko

Youtube ………Vincent Nyarko

Audiomack ……..Vincent Nyarko

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