DJ Xtriim

DJ Xtriim

Opening the year with an extreme feature with a musical therapist, DJ Xtriim.

Pachagazine: What’s your brand name?

DJ Xtriim: My brand name is DJ Xtriim 237.

Pachagazine: What inspired the brand naming?

DJ Xtriim: The reason as to why I chose that name, is because I wanted to be very unique and since I had that feeling of playing music in an extraordinary way. I chose to be referred liked that and the name is very much unique because there is “Extreme” and now me the extraordinary “xtriim.

Pachagazine: Tell us something about DJ Xtriim

DJ Xtriim: DJ Xtriim was born and raised in Huruma Nairobi, in family of five. I my two sisters and my parents, we were not stable, we lived in a self confused house as they name it, because life in Nairobi was very expensive. We later shifted from Nairobi to Thika and that’s where my music career came to light with a great impact, but still I had struggles like in my school life I have not been in form 2 class but lucky enough and with Gods grace I completed my forth form.

Pachagazine: What or who inspired you to disc jockey?

DJ Xtriim: While staying in Huruma there were a lot of gigs and events done on our church that was Kenya Assemblies Of God(K. A. G),where BMF and all other celebrity like the MOG, Willy Paul, Bahati, mr. Seed, Eko dydda among others used to hold their events. We used to hangout with them so growing in that kind of environment, I found the passion of “dj-ing” because everyone had his or her own vibe of music.

Later after relocating to Thika I met one person who inspired me the most, his name is DJ FUSION, his vibe of mixing made me to know more about dj-ing.

Pachagazine: Are you a gospel DJ or a secular DJ?

DJ Xtriim: Am a gospel DJ because that is where I specialized and what am professional at.

Pachagazine: What makes you different from your competitors?

DJ Xtriim: What makes me different than them is that am so unique in terms of playing music and interaction.

Pachagazine: How long have you been in disc jockeying?

DJ Xtriim: This is my fifth year.

Pachagazine: what other activities are you into apart from being a DJ?

DJ Xtriim: Am an event organizer, a dance instructor, a Farmer and I also sell movies.

Pachagazine: Is disc jockeying self training or you joined a music academy?

DJ Xtriim: Its self training, because I didn’t have money for joining academy, but by Gods grace I got an opportunity to go to bambika academy, but 90 percent its self training.

Pachagazine: Which is your best genre in action?

DJ Xtriim: My best genre is hip hop and dancehall.

Pachagazine: which challenges did you face as an up-comer  when starting your career?

DJ Xtriim: The first challenge I had was I didn’t have my own laptop, while starting dj-ing but now I have it.. another challenge is I don’t have my deck, so i do hire and you find when you hire like three quarter of the money goes to where you hired the decks, other challenge is luck of opportunity, like we as upcoming DJ’s there is no that trust to be entrusted by event managers and client, nowadays client employ DJs that are known or “celebrity DJ” so if you are not a celebrity DJ its hard to get the work.

Pachagazine: what do you like the most about being a DJ. what don’t you like?

DJ Xtriim: Its making the crowd moving, as being a DJ gives you a power to control people in your own way.

Pachagazine: How do you feel the internet has impacted what you do?

DJ Xtriim: Its has given me platforms and reaching to people that meeting in face was hard.

Pachagazine: what’s your best event or gig to perform?

DJ Xtriim: Emb 2020 End Year , Gatundu Childrens Home, and Trend In Dance.

Pachagazine: Who do you look up to?

DJ Xtriim: One is GOD, two is DJ puffy.

Pachagazine: what would you tell someone who wants to follow your foot steps?

DJ Xtriim: Is that never stop cause winners never fear and losers don’t get any rewards, and prayers and God means a lot, be real don’t fake be true to yourself.

Pachagazine: do you work alone or you work with an agency?

DJ Xtriim: I do work alone. I depend on my own.

Pachagazine: dating, engaged or single?

DJ Xtriim: Dating

Pachagazine: how can people find your work?

DJ Xtriim: My work on Instagram @Xtriimdjs237 for now that is the account that is active, or we can communicate through WhatsApp number 0704360934.

DJ Xtriim: I wanna say thank you to my mom and my sisters for the support, my friend’s, Newday Crew, GLD Crew, DJ Fusion, New hope Church So Many People DJ Dope Boy And Radio Waumini.

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