DP William Ruto

DP Ruto gives amended BBI report the nod, says plight of hustlers will be addressed.

Three days into the collection of a million signatures to set off the referendum process—the single most critics of the BBI process, Deputy President William Ruto has changed his tune, giving the bill a green-light.

DP Ruto has told his supporters that the hustlers’ nation’s economics, including those of the pastrolists had been factored in the amended version of the draft 2020 referendum bill—the DP going further to assure coffee and small scale farmers on guaranteed minimum returns in the amended BBI report.

According to Ruto, the report reflects a bottom up economics and not trickle down economics—this signals the clearest signal of closing of ranks between DP Ruto and proponents of the BBI report

Ruto being an advocate of a win-win situation, proponents of the BBI drive had dared the DP’s camp to a duel.

The second-in-command’s apparent change of tune comes on a day the nationwide signature collection exercise kicked off—in Nairobi.

Nominated MP Maina Kamanda launched the exercise in Kibra constituency exuding confidence of amassing the requisite signatures to kick off the referendum exercise.

In Kiambu county,  Governor James Nyoro launched the collection of signatures towards the BBI report—the governor saying they will deploy ward representatives to collect the signature from the villages to ensure the populous county clocks a million signatures.

In Nyeri county, divisions rocked the process with a split among the leadership over the exercise—a section of leaders demanding for more representative seats in the county to back the process—Nyeri does not benefit from the additional 70 constituencies created by the BBI report

Meanwhile, the previous provision in the BBI report on the establishment of a special status for Nairobi county has been shelved—the initial report had proposed that roads, health, transport and disaster-related functions which were surrendered by Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko to NMS remain under the National Government. 

Following the changes, it would mean that the next Governor of Nairobi will assume full functions as provided by the law after the term of Nairobi metropolitan services ends.

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