
Pachagazine features Tefarah, a debut Kenyan Ethiopian Reggae and dancehall stunning veteran. With a blend of the Kenyan hype, Ethiopian syke and the Caribbean vibe, every heart is touched in every piece of his art.

Pachagazine: What’s your stage name?

Teferah: My stage name is Teferah

Pachagazine: whats your real name?

Teferah: My real names are Raheem kennedy tefera tuiyott.

Pachagazine: an Artist is a general term. Which type of art do you explore?

Teferah: Am a dancehall musician mostly majoring in Afro Dancehall and reggae music.So generally am a reggae and dancehall music recording and performing artist.

Pachagazine: Tell us a little about Teferah.

Teferah: Teferah is a musical creative Kenyan Ethiopian. I was born and raised with my Ethiopian mom and a Kenyan dad. I grew up in Nakuru and Addis Ababa simultaneously. This was a great opportunity to adopt both cultures in fostering my art it also gave me more knowledge on how to look at life and art.

Am also passionate about creating new things and how it resonates with people who hear what I have created and enjoy my art.

Pachagazine: Did you grow wanting to be in music? what inspired you in music?

Teferah: I’ve always been passionate about music. I started getting in to music back in primary school. Anything musical caught my attention and I definitely involved my self. I was greatly inspired by a famous group back in the day called Cubanotics cause they were from my hood.

Pachagazine: Why did you choose dancehall as your genre?

Teferah: I love making party songs and i feel like dancehall and reggae are the genres for the masses.

Pachagazine: How long have you been in the industry?

Teferah: I been in music for a long time now, but since I started professionally, its been 3 years now.

Pachagazine: Are you a solo artist or you have a management team?

Teferah: Am signed to an American music label called Mpact muzik operating in USA, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Pachagazine: Do you base your music in Kenya or Ethiopia?

Teferah: Right now i base my music in Kenya and just travel for shows.

Pachagazine: Where/how did you meet with Mpact Music?

Teferah: I met the C.E.O 5 years ago while working on projects in Ethiopia. He liked my music and 2 years later he had an East African song where I alongside another Artist called Mimah featured. It became a hit in Ethiopia and they decided to get me under the label.

Pachagazine: How many projects do you have so far?

Teferah: At least 6 projects and I have a new one which premiers on Thursday night. I also have countless mix-tapes and collaborations.

Pachagazine: Tell us about your upcoming project.

Teferah: It’s called ‘Ule dem.wangu’ it’s a love song just talking about gifting your girlfriend after u make it.

Pachagazine: When did you join Mpact Muzik and how many projects do you have under the them?

Teferah: I joined MPACT 3 years ago right now i have at least 12 projects some unreleased but already completed.

Pachagazine: do you have any collaborations?

Teferah: I’ve got a new jam that I will drop next with a new Kenyan artist Tory Lynn, I also have others done with Ethiopian artists Merry and Mesale. I also have other major collabos with some Kenyan artists that I can not mention right now.

Pachagazine: who do you look up to in music?

Teferah: Sean Paul, Akon,Teddy Afro, J Balvin.

Pachagazine: Who do you see as a remarkable musician in Kenya as far as dancehall and reggae is concerned.

Teferah: Kenyan Dancehall has amazing artists but nobody seems to recognize them.there is this artist i really rate is name is Seroney he is remarkable ,then u hot Redsan and some new artists in the fold.

Pachagazine: Gengetone seems to be the current music trend in the country, is this affecting your type of music in terms of market penetration?

Teferah: I would say Dancehall kind of fits with Gengetone in terms of hype but i think Gengetone will have to evolve in terms of content if they want to exist for a while. In terms of penetration i don’t feel it has blocked our type of music.

Pachagazine: what do you do apart from music?

Teferah: I ran a media station in Ethiopia. Amaniload TV and Radio 251. I also have a clothing brand called Kirkos.

Pachagazine: Do you consider music as a career or it just a way to free up.

Teferah: For me music is my main career it helps funds everything else.

Pachagazine: Were can people find your music?

Teferah: you can find my music is in all digital platforms anywhere you stream or download I will be there. Just search Teferah

Pachagazine: How can people find you on social media?

Teferah: @Teferah on all media platforms.

Pachagazine: What’s your stage name?

Teferah: My stage name is Teferah

Pachagazine: whats your real name?

Teferah: My real names are Raheem kennedy tefera tuiyott.

Pachagazine: an Artist is a general term. Which type of art do you explore?

Teferah: Am a dancehall musician mostly majoring in Afro Dancehall and reggae music.So generally am a reggae and dancehall music recording and performing artist.

Pachagazine: Tell us a little about Teferah.

Teferah: Teferah is a musical creative Kenyan Ethiopian. I was born and raised with my Ethiopian mom and a Kenyan dad. I grew up in Nakuru and Addis Ababa simultaneously. This was a great opportunity to adopt both cultures in fostering my art it also gave me more knowledge on how to look at life and art.

Am also passionate about creating new things and how it resonates with people who hear what I have created and enjoy my art.

Pachagazine: Did you grow wanting to be in music? what inspired you in music?

Teferah: I’ve always been passionate about music. I started getting in to music back in primary school. Anything musical caught my attention and I definitely involved my self. I was greatly inspired by a famous group back in the day called Cubanotics cause they were from my hood.

Pachagazine: Why did you choose dancehall as your genre?

Teferah: I love making party songs and i feel like dancehall and reggae are the genres for the masses.

Pachagazine: How long have you been in the industry?

Teferah: I been in music for a long time now, but since I started professionally, its been 3 years now.

Pachagazine: Are you a solo artist or you have a management team?

Teferah: Am signed to an American music label called Mpact muzik operating in USA, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Pachagazine: How many projects do you have so far?

Teferah: At least 6 projects and I have a new one which premiers on Thursday night. I also have countless mix-tapes and collaborations.

Pachagazine: Tell us about your upcoming project.

Teferah: It’s called ‘Ule dem.wangu’ it’s a love song just talking about gifting your girlfriend after u make it.

Pachagazine: When did you join Mpact Muzik and how many projects do you have under the them?

Teferah: Joined MPACT 3 years ago right now i have at least 12 projects some unreleased but already completed.

Pachagazine: who do you look up to in music?

Teferah: Sean Paul, Akon,Teddy Afro, J Balvin.

Pachagazine: Gengetone seems to be the current music trend in the country, is this affecting your type of music in terms of market penetration?

Teferah: I would say Dancehall kind of fits with Gengetone in terms of hype but i think Gengetone will have to evolve in terms of content if they want to exist for a while. In terms of penetration i don’t feel it has blocked our type of music.

Pachagazine: what do you do apart from music?

Teferah: I ran a media station in Ethiopia. Amaniload TV and Radio 251. I also have a clothing brand called Kirkos.

Pachagazine: Do you consider music as a career or it just a way to free up.

Teferah: For me music is my main career it helps funds everything else.

Pachagazine: How can people find you on social media?

Teferah: @Teferah on all media platforms.





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