Pastor Ezekiel Odero Biography, Age, Education, Career, Tribe, Wife, Net Worth

Pastor Ezekiel Odero

Pastor Ezekiel Odero Biography, Age, Education, Career, Tribe, Wife, Net Worth. Pastor Ezekiel is currently in his early 40s. He was born in homabay county.....

Evangelist Pastor Ezekiel Odero is the new kid on the block. He is the founder of New Life Church in Mavueni, Kilifi.

He gained many supporters among his followers who believed him to be a true man of God by the number of miracles he performed.

Age and place of birth

Pastor Ezekiel is currently in his early 40s. He was born in Homabay County and currently resides in the coastal region of Kenya, Kilifi County.

Career path

He started his career in Kisumu as a fisherman. He later relocated to Mombasa as a mason, where he also joined Mombasa polytechnic for further studies.. He gained popularity during the COVID 19 when most people were locked in their homes after televangelism pastors reached out to many.

Read Also: Pastor Ezekiel Arrested and his Mega Church Closed over his teachings, links to Mackenzie.

His mentor was Pastor Pius Mwiru of the Maximum Miracle Center in Nairobi. On several occasions, Evangelist Ezekiel was seen attending a church service together with Pastor Pius.

He started as an instrumentalist in Pastor David Owuor’s ministry of repentance and holiness. He played the piano and the violin during church services. During one of his services, Pastor Ezekiel confessed that he was once a fornicator who indulged in many sexual sins.

Like Pastor Owuor, Ezekiel is very strict about dressing in his church. In addition, he is strict when it comes to ladies visiting his offices, as he believes that he does not want any temptation that could lead him back to his old ways.

He recently moved his church from Shanzu in Mombasa to Mavueni in Kilifi County due to the increasing growth of church members. This is because he wanted more space to build a large church and other facilities to accommodate his growing numbers.

As witnessed in his church, he sells ‘Holy Water’ to people of different denominations and different walks of life. Water is believed to offer healing and protection.

He fasts a lot and says that this is the reason for his slim figure.


He is a graduate of Mombasa University of Technology, formerly known as Mombasa Polytechnic.

Marriage, family and children

He is currently married to Sarah despite opposition from some of his family members on the grounds that she is uneducated. The two ministers have been together for more than 13 years and have children.

They are busy spreading the gospel throughout the world and winning lost souls to Christ. The main thing that disappointed some members of his family is the fact that Sarah dropout in the third grade and therefore could not speak English.

Read Also: Funeral home threatens to sue Pastor Ezekiel Odero over alleged miracle claims

“I looked at my wife and did not see an English woman, but a beautiful woman who could handle the service. English can’t handle the ministry!” he said.

Despite all the challenges, Pastor Ezekiel saw in Sarah the helper he needed. The man of God added that he did not listen to the opinions of his relatives and went to marry his soul mate.

Net worth

Pastor Ezekiel is considered to be one of the richest pastors in Kenya. He plays it low key and has never mentioned anything regarding his net worth or wealth. He spends most of his money in the gospel building a church.

This is evident as the pastor owns a billion shilling house in Mombasa, built to house more than 500 of his people.

He has also built a Mega church in Mavueni in a massive complex. It is said to be the largest church in Africa as it is said to host more than 45,000 people for congregation at a time.

The Church Complex appears to be a conglomeration of seven warehouses fused together, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The church has a hotel, International school and an airstrip for light planes and helicopters.

Church exterior
Church interior
Ezekiel’s Billion Shilling House

The man of God is believed to be planning to build other facilities in the same area.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero

Full Name:Pastor Ezekiel Odero
Age:42 years as of 2023
Place of Birth:Homabay, Nyanza
Wife:Pastor Sarah
Net Worth:$- million

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