Luhmetria on Pachagazine

Luhmetria on Pachagazine

Pachagazine exclusive interview with Luhmetria as we get to know more about her music career.

Pachagazine: Who is Luhmetria?

Luhmetria: Lametria Marable is an American singer, songwriter, and rapper from Clarksville, Tennessee. Her debut single, “Put It Down”, was released on April 27, 2021. She started by posting 30 second videos on social media and creating a buzz.

Born in “The music city,” Nashville, Tennessee and raised in the Suburbs, Clarksville, Tennessee Luhmetria made a way out of no way by creating music in her home at the tender age of twelve. At this time she began writing and arranging songs as well as producing.

She overcame all odds after doctors told her parents that she wouldn’t live past the age of twelve and she overcame it. Luhmetria was born with a birth defect that left her with challenges born unable to swallow. The doctors told her parents that she wouldn’t be able to talk and would be mentally disabled. She didn’t let Esophageal Atresia challenge her or hold her back from her dreams. From then on out she started singing in church and auditioning for and appearing in local talent shows.

Pachagazine: What got you to music?

Luhmetria: I grew in a musical family. Where we would have family get together and perform for each other. They didn’t realize that I could sing until I was three years old. That’s when my family realized that I had a gift.

Pachagazine: So how long have you been doing music?

Luhmetria: I have been doing music since I was twelve. I started writing, producing, and arranging songs. So I’ve been doing music for awhile.

Pachagazine: Who do you look up to in the music industry?

Luhmetria: I admire Mariah Carey’s songwriting skills and vocal arrangements as well as her gift. She’s definitely someone I look up to. I like the idea of the fact that she owns and writes most of her material.

Pachagazine: How would you describe the music that you typically create?

Luhmetria: I make music that people can relate to. I usually take from personal experiences and others personal experiences.

Pachagazine: What’s the basic genre of the music you create?

Luhmetria: Mainly R&B/Soul but recently, since the name and brand change I’ve incorporated Rap as well as Hip-hop.

Pachagazine: What else do you do apart from music?

Luhmetria: I model

Pachagazine: Do you work alone or you have a management team?

Luhmetria: I don’t currently have a team.

Pachagazine: What are some of the challenges upcoming artist face in the US that you can relate to?

Luhmetria: Reaching a potential audience, demographic, and market is definitely a challenge.

Pachagazine: You mentioned about having a medical condition (Esophageal Atresia) how does it affect you and how do you manage it?

Luhmetria: Yes, I have a birth defect called Esophageal Atresia which means I was born unable to swallow. So occasionally, I’ll experience a hoarse voice and sometimes my voice gets tired very easily. I manage it by drinking tea and eating healthy. As well as using a humidifier before and after performances as well as recording.

Pachagazine: You said that you come from a music family, do you have siblings and do they also sing?

Luhmetria: Yes, my other sibling do sing, however it’s not a passion for them.

Pachagazine: Have you had any on stage performance. What’s your favorite and least favorite venue?

Luhmetria: Yes! I’ve had tons of stage performances. I’ve opened up for the 90’s R&B group, “Silk” as well as, “Jagged Edge” just to name a few. I don’t have a favorite venue but I do enjoy performing in actual venues and not clubs.

Pachagazine: Do you think DJ’s and the main stream media help building up local upcoming artists?

Luhmetria: Nowadays, I believe that the people have the ability to help gain the artist attention due to the fact of social media. I believe that withe the right audience and social media presence you could go very far. Dj can definitely help get you into the right doors too especially if they believe in your talent.

Pachagazine: If given a chance to change anything in the music industry what would you change?

Luhmetria: I would change the way that record labels and artist connect.

Pachagazine: Is music your full time job or you do it as part time?

Luhmetria: It’s my full time career.

Pachagazine: Dating single or married?

Luhmetria: Dating?

Pachagazine: What would you tell someone who looks up to you in the industry?

Luhmetria: I would tell them to own everything they create, never settle, don’t be afraid to rebrand or start over. Also, always follow you’re heart and put God first.

Pachagazine: What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Luhmetria: To, “Own everything you create.”

Pachagazine: You mentioned about singing in the church. Is your music gospel or secular?

Luhmetria: My music is secular.

Pachagazine: Why choose secular while you started singing on the church

Luhmetria: Because sometimes someone’s story may not be meant for the church. And since I write about others stories, circumstances and situations sometimes those things aren’t necessarily appropriate for church.

Pachagazine: Any collaborations?

Luhmetria: As of right now, no.

Pachagazine: Who would you most likely want to collaborate with?

Luhmetria: I would love to collaborate with Babyface.

Pachagazine: What’s your favorite released piece and why is it your favorite?

Luhmetria: I’d have to say, “Holding You Down” which is my most recent piece of material. Only because this is the first time I’ve produced my new material in a very long time.

Pachagazine: How can people find you on Social Media:

Soundcloud: Luhmetria

Instagram: Luhmetria

Twitter: Luhmetria

Facebook: Luhmetria

Latest single, “Holding You Down

About Author

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