PK Pachagazine Feature Cover

PK Pachagazine Feature Cover

An exclusive interview with PK Pboy wagba music president afro-dancehall raising star based in Nigeria.

What first got you in to music?

At year 2017, my first days at the higher institution, I just felt like making something and perform it on my birthday, since my best friend was an artist, that’s was were the influence came from.

How long have you been in to the entertainment industry?

I’ve been in the entertainment industry Since 2017 that’s around 5years.

Who do you look up to in the industry?

PK Pachagazine Feature Cover


Wagba music President

I look up to the world president Omoniyi Temidayo Raphael A.K.A Zlatan ibile.

What are some of the challenges you face coming into the music industry?

Financial challenge, Envy among colleagues, Developing the spirit to keep consistency.

How would you describe the competition?

The Competition is high, Artist increase in number day by day, There is a lot of Talents outside, So that’s enough reasons for me to be on my toes and never relent.

How would you describe the music you create and how it stands out?

Actually I’m an afro dance hall singer, but I do almost all kind of music and it stands for me because anywhere, anytime, any moment I have what to deliver to my audience, I have songs talking about life, love, and the jaiye jaiye music (party vibe).

Where have you performed and which was your favourite venue?

I’ve perform in Different states across the country (Nigeria). My favourite venue was at crest hotel, Jos.

Whats your best song to perform?

Check and Balance

What inspires your compositions?

God inspires my sound and life experience itself, happiness, sadness and even pain

Do you have any collaborations? Who would you most likely want to work with?

Yes I have enough collaborations with talented upcoming Nigerian Artists

I would love to work with Zlatan ibile

Do you have any upcoming projects or events?


What else do you do apart from your art?

 I’m a Student and I’m a Cimatographer

Which mistake can you advice any artist that want to follow your footsteps against?

Make use of any opportunity that comes yr way and avoid womanizing.

How can people find you or your projects online.

My album is out on all platforms just type PK Better Days

My profile on Audiomark “PK WAGBA”

You can get me on YouTube channel “PK Christopher”

On Instagram @pboy_pk

On Facebook Panshak Christopher

About Author

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