DJ Niffer on Pachagazine

An EXCLUSIVE feature with “The Spin Queen Diva”, Jennifer Mutete popularly known as DJ Niffer for her magical spins when she is on the deck, clinching a bell, she causes a hex. Pachagazine shares a slab of the exquisite performer with dexterities that calls to kneel for defeat.


About DJ Niffer

Jennifer is an incomparable woman, a DJ and a model. Well known as DJ Niffer for her astonishing methodical sound skills, with a catching, energetic, and obsessive character. She’s been in the industry for only four year but with big accomplishments. Niffer credits DJ M’marik for believing in her through her journey.

Pachagazine: You are both a deejay and a model. Between disc-jockey and modeling which one came first? Which one brings food on your table?

DJ Niffer: Modeling came first. I started modeling when I was in high school. It nurtured during cultural events and talent exhibitions.

Pachagazine: Do you work with any agency as a model?

DJ Niffer: I used to work with empire of crowns but currently working on starting my own agency.

Pachagazine: Did you grow up craving to be a deejay are you had other dreams?

DJ Niffer: No, I grew up wanting to be an air hostess.

Pachagazine: How do you strategies yourself to stand out the competition?

DJ Niffer: Just have some few secretes (laughs)

Pachagazine: How does the community take you been a female deejay?

DJ Niffer: others take it negatively others positively and encourage me to continue

Pachagazine: Do you have any regrets on your choice of career?

DJ Niffer: No, I don’t have actually it’s one of the Greatest decisions I’ve ever made.

DJ Niffer

Pachagazine: How did people close to you take your decision on joining a DJ academy?

DJ Niffer: My friends were surprised told me that it was a lads’ thing, and also that it comes with bad influence. Others motived me to continue and grow big. My mum was against it but finally she came to realize that it was a profession just like any other.

Pachagazine: Which was your worst day working? what happened?

DJ Niffer: I had a fresher’s night at Greatsa University and King kaka was the Guest artist then I didn’t have all his songs so people started shouting and insulting me. I’ll never forget that day.

Pachagazine: What things would your advice upcoming deejays against?

DJ Niffer: Not believing in yourself, listening to people who don’t understand your passion and to avoid people who have negative thoughts and advice

Pachagazine: What are your future plans?

DJ Niffer: To be able to support upcoming talents and nature them.

Pachagazine: How can people find pieces of your art and mixtapes?

DJ Niffer:

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