Health CS Mutahi Kagwe has hinted on a Kibra lockdown after 8 more people tested positive for coronavirus. Speaking after a tour of Machakos Level V Hospital, the CS said Kibra is an area of concern.

Additional measures will be put in place to contain the spread,” he said on Friday.

On Thursday, Kibra reported 13 cases while Siaya had 7. According to the CS, all the 7 Siaya cases were traced back to a mourner who had travelled from Kibra.

Kibra could be third area in the country to placed under lockdown after Eastleigh (Nairobi) and Old Town (Mombasa).

The Government extended its directive on cessation of movement out of the two estates on May 20.The directive will be in place until June 6: restaurants and mosques are to remain closed during this period.

CS Mutahi Kagwe during a tour at Machakos Level V Hospital

Questions abound over the lack of adherence to social distancing and hygiene measures in Kibra.

Celebrated activist Kennedy Odede recently held an interactive discussion with global health advocate Chelsea Clinton where he raised concern over the matter.

Odede who has lived in Kibra slums for half his life told Clinton that residents find it hard to observe the guidelines as they share most of their facilities.

“Chelsea, some of these people share a community toilet, you will see more than 50 people sharing the same toilet and this could be exposing them to the risk of contracting the disease,” Odede said during the Zoom meeting.

According to him, water scarcity in informal settlements further hampers efforts put in place to contain spread of the virus as it means people cannot wash their hands as frequently.

“Currently, we give water to people in the slums for free, but with the numbers rising the day, there is still more that needs to be done, and that will need resources, the government is also at work, but we need to do more,” he added.

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