Health Chief Administrative Secretary

Kenya confirms 12 more coronavirus cases, number rises to 122. Out of these, 11 are Kenyans and one is Somali.

, Health CAS Dr. Mwangangi

In terms of gender, eight of the patients were male and four were female.The age of the new infections ranged from 28 to 68, Mwangangi added.

This comes with a sudden report of 6-years old boy who has died of coronavirus at Kenyatta Hospital. It was reported that the boy was suffering from another illness.

The 6-year old child already had a pre-existing condition which causes immunosuppression and it’s a condition that affects the bone marrow

Health CAS Dr. Mwangangi

The boy becomes the youngest to have scummed of corona virus in the region.

Number of fatalities has risen to four, Health CAS Dr. Mwangangi says.

On Thursday, the government announced 29 new infections and two deaths, the biggest numbers since the first case of coronavirus was confirmed on March 13.

The government begun local production of face masks that will be distributed through the county governments and chairmen of boda bodas and matatus.

Tailors will also be allowed to make face masks from particular materials and are being advised to sell them at a cheap price.

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