Musical Artist

Pachagazine ‘The Pulse Vaccine ‘

This Week We Get a Close talk with Golden Boy.

Pachagazine: Who’s Golden Boy, tell us briefly about yourself.
Golden Boy : Golden Boy is a Kenyan Artist from Nairobi County, who does Kapuka and a little bit of Trap music.

Pachagazine: You’ve mentioned some genres, which one do you major with?
Golden Boy : Kapuka, that’s the one i give it 100% and it has accepted me.

Pachagazine: Why Kapuka, why major on that genre?
Golden Boy : That’s the one am good in, i prefer that genre simply because it’s way easier to deliver my message.

Pachagazine:Who do you consider as your role model?
Golden Boy : Wizkid and Drake, i love their work.

Pachagazine: What makes your music deferent from others?
Golden Boy : I think is what i sing that makes me different.

Pachagazine: Have you released any song..? And if so can you tell us more of it, more about it,,,!
Golden Boy : Yeah i got Ywoo songs back to back and Tingi Tingi, Back to back is a song wich brings us back and the good times While Tingi Tingi is just for happiness, a hyper song.

Pachagazine: And what’s inspires you in your writing?
Golden Boy: I would say it’s Life experiences, that’s what my writing is all about.

Pachagazine: So what do we expect from you in the future?
Golden Boy : Best is the word that can fit there expect best from the Golden Boy.

Pachagazine: How can people reach you, social media platforms!
Golden Boy: In all Social Media Platforms: @Golden Boy 254

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