Despite the distance glory still follows from home. Featuring This week on pachagazine is a talented music composer and perfomere Danny Dee. Even though far from home his music still marks his presence.

Pachagazine: Tell us a bit about Danny Dee.

My name is Dedan Danny,stage name Danny Dee. Am 24yrs old, second last in a family of Seven. I’m currently a student at Griffith University in Australia.

Danny Dee


Pachagazine: How and when did you develop a love for music?

I developed love for music at the age of 9 years. I used to play the piano and guitar in our church for praise and worship and also the church choir at Umoja 2.

Pachagazine: What inspired you towards the Music?

Being in the church choir and praise and worship, this inspired me towards music. I really loved it and used to tell my friends one day I will be a musician. Look at me know, I thank God that dream came true.

Pachagazine: Did your family support your decision to become a musician?

You know how our African parents are. NO! (Laughs) they really supported me in church but when I decided to pursue music they were not supportive at all but with time they came to understand and started supporting.

Pachagazine: How was it pursue music at that professional level?

When I decide to do something I give it my all, put in a lot of work like getting some of the best audio and video music producers to ensure that I give quality stuff. Actually before I do a video I first visualize it in my mind and see how it’ll look like and what I can do to make it better. I always give it my all.

Pachagazine: As a rising artiste what are the challenges do you face and how do you overcome them?

Fear, is the main challenge I face because most of the time I think to myself, I’m using this amount of money to do this project, what if it doesn’t pay off? What if no one will like it?  But I don’t regret because this is something I love to do, and being a risk taker, I always take the risk. I’m hoping and praying God will open doors for me and one day I’ll be one of the best.

Pachagazine: What are some of your projects so far?

I have 5 projects, most recent collaborations have done recently is Pole pole featuring  Jovial and another one with Genge tone artists boondocks, and then the newly released solo project called TETETE by Danny Dee.

Pachagazine: Tell us more about TETETE.

Tetete is a love song that I sing about this amazing woman in my life.

Pachagazine: You have worked with gengetone artistes too. What are your feelings towards the genre?

I support Kenyan content and I feel Genge tone is amazing. It is ours just  the way you can relate Bongo with Tanzanians, Amapiano with SA, Kenya we have different genres but if you hear Gengetone you’ll definitely know its 100% Kenyan.  As they say, Muacha Mila ni mtumwa, Mimi siachi Mila kabisa.

Pachagazine: What projects are you working on currently? Any collaborations?

Yes yes I have different projects I’m currently working on and of course more collaborations, that will be announced in due time. Wait for surprises.

Pachagazine: Have Kenyans showed you support thus far?

Yes and No because I’m not so well known and I believe even this interview will gain me more fans and followers. Leaving abroad has also contributed to that but with time when I’m done with my studies I will come back home and continue with my music career. However Kenyans in Australia are very supportive, here when u see any black person there is that home feeling that connects you even if they are not from your country. We do have chamas for Kenyans which also serves as a good platform to sell my music.  I’m so grateful to the media houses that play my music and to everyone who supports what I do.

Pachagazine: How can people find your music?

Danny Dee on



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